UK Care Homes: An opportunity to build communities and invest capital
Our UK Care Homes report identifies the scale of the opportunity in a sector that has a large and rapidly growing demand profile.
The care sector has come under unparalleled scrutiny due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We decided to look beyond the headlines by mapping out the future trajectory of the care home market, and identify the opportunity for investors to strengthen and facilitate the provision of care home beds in the UK.
With life expectancy increasing in the UK and the rise of an ageing population, we see this as a chance for the real estate sector to improve the lives of our elderly community by investing in a profoundly under provided sector that will deliver long-term care solutions for the future.
This paper identifies the scale of the opportunity and predicts that the industry will require over 10,000 additional beds per annum over the next decade to meet demand. With many other real estate uses evolving and shrinking in space requirements due to societal changes accelerated by COVID-19, there will be significant opportunities to build more suitable care home developments to meet the growing demands of an ageing population and provide the care that our elders so desperately need.