Living with 2020
Vision: UK City
Centre Forecasts
With a spotlight on the seven largest regional economies in the UK, our City Centre Forecasts report analyses the housing market in the country’s major cities.
The UK’s seven largest regional economies are hugely important to the prosperity of the UK. Together the big seven regional UK cities account for 17.5% of UK GDP and are all individually showing signs of positive growth.
The UK Government has identified these seven cities as engines of growth to boost the performance of the economy as a whole. To find out how these regional cities are expected to grow in 2020 and beyond, read our region specific-reports by clicking the links below.
Northern England | Scotland | Midlands & South West
Alternatively, to find out how these regional giants can continue to thrive and an insight into sales and rental price growth across the entirety of the UK, download our UK-wide report below.